Thursday, June 26, 2008

Short Sale and Your Credit Score

Recently, I have been getting several inquiries into the effects of a short sale on your credit score. I do want to preface this by stating everybody's situation is unique and thus generalizing may be over simplifying the situation. If you have always had excellent credit and continue to pay your other accounts (Cars, Credit Cards, Student Loans, etc.) on time you are likely to see a relatively minor impact on your credit. One of our recent clients had a short sale approved on their home in March and currently has a 751 beacon score. That is down about 30 points from the 780 they had previously. Understand in this situation the borrower had impeccable credit entering the situation. In this case below from Americas Servicing Company (ASC) you can see how the account was reported:


Address Identification Number:


As for a Foreclosure the damage is much more severe.

With a Foreclosure or Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure your credit score suffers significantly more than doing a short sale.
Homeowners will take a hit of 300 to 350 points, depending on overall condition of credit. This means if a seller's FICO score before foreclosure was 680, it could dip as low as 380. In addition it becomes a public record and the judgment remains on your credit report for 10 Years.


Garren Grup, REALTOR said...

Good information! I think everyioine in the mortgage and real estate industry needs to get as much education as possible on the alternatives to just walking away. THis is new territory for many including most of the people you talk to at the bank. Arm yourself and your clients with knowledge to work out whats best for your particular situation! said...

Thanks for the comments. Right now a Majority of the sales in some parts of Florida are Short Sales. Getting Professional help is your first step to beginning the process.

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Short Sale Specialist in Utah